Custom Carvings

Alex Ward standing next to an eagle custom carved log

If you can dream it, we can carve it!

Adding a custom carved log to your yard or business can add a warm, personalized touch. Custom carvings can include:

  • Animals (Bears, Fish, Eagles, etc.)
  • Stump Carvings
  • Benches
  • Seasonal Carvings (Fall Pumpkins, Jack-O-Lanterns, Christmas Trees)
  • And more!
Alex Ward and his wife Carri Jo holding a chainsaw

Creating Memories to Last a Lifetime

We would love to create your custom piece of art that will bring happiness now and for a generation to come.

Thank you for your interest in Cedar Valley Carvings! We will be in touch shortly.
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DM me in Facebook for a quicker response or text 318-453-9709